PREZZI. I prezzi riportati sul presente listino sono espressi in euro. (€). Slamp S.p.A si riserva il diritto di modificare i prezzi con un adeguato preavviso, che verrà comunicato tramite i canali ufficiali.
ACCETTAZIONE ORDINI. Tutti gli ordini vengono accettati alle condizioni generali di vendita in essere. Resta espressamente inteso che non sussiste alcun obbligo per Slamp SpA di accettare gli ordini ricevuti.
TERMINI DI SPEDIZIONE. I termini di spedizione indicati nella conferma d’ordine hanno unicamente valore indicativo. Nessuna responsabilità sarà imputabile né risarcimento dovuto in caso di ritardo nella spedizione rispetto al termine indicativo previsto.
SPEDIZIONI. Resa: come da accordi commerciali.
La merce, anche se spedita franco destinatario, viaggia a rischio e pericolo del cliente intendendosi la stessa consegnata al momento in cui viene affidata al vettore e la Slamp SpA non risponderà di alcuna causa di ritardo alla stessa non direttamente imputabile. È onere del cliente verificare con attenzione all’atto della consegna la quantità e lo stato degli imballi: eventuali anomalie (differenza fra numero di colli ricevuti e numero di colli indicati sul bollettino di consegna, o rottura, o schiacciamento o altro danno all’imballo), dovranno essere indicate al vettore come accettate con riserva sul bollettino di consegna, e comunicate a Slamp SpA - citando il numero di DDT - entro e non oltre 8 giorni dalla data di ricevimento della merce.
TERMINI DI RITIRO: Resa Ex Works. L’ordine pronto dovrà essere ritirato entro 15 giorni dall’avvenuta comunicazione di avviso di merce pronta. Il mancato ritiro comporterà l’addebito giornaliero dell’ 0,5% del valore dell’ordine a partire dal sedicesimo giorno.
RECLAMI. Reclami per difetti e/o vizi devono essere notificati tramite il form di Assistenza Post-vendita sul sito entro il termine perentorio di 8 gg dal ricevimento della merce.
VENDITE ON-LINE. La vendita online dei prodotti - attraverso qualunque sistema oggi o domani concepibile - deve essere preventivamente autorizzata da Slamp SpA tramite sottoscrizione di specifichi accordi di rivendita e di diritto di utilizzo del marchio e delle immagini ufficiali. Se non espressamente autorizzato da Slamp SpA, è fatto divieto di vendere i prodotti on-line.
RESTITUZIONI. Non si accettano resi di merce, se non espressamente autorizzati per iscritto. Non si accettano in ogni caso resi per difetti o danni ai prodotti derivati da un uso improprio e/o estraneo alla funzione e destinazione degli stessi.
TOLLERANZE. I colori e le dimensioni visibili sul catalogo fotografico e sul sito web sono soltanto indicativi. Confermando l’ordine il cliente accetta eventuali differenze fra immagine e il prodotto ricevuto. Per le caratteristiche dei prodotti fanno fede solamente le schede tecniche degli stessi.
PAGAMENTI. I pagamenti dovranno essere effettuati unicamente con le modalità indicate in fattura. Il mancato o ritardato pagamento anche parziale di una sola fattura o scadenza ci autorizza a sospendere l’esecuzione delle forniture in corso o annullare i contratti con facoltà di rivalsa dei danni subiti. Il ritardo nei pagamenti darà inoltre luogo alla perdita del beneficio del termine in caso di pagamenti dilazionati e all’addebito degli interessi in conformità alla Direttiva CE 2000/35 ed al D.Lgs. 231/2002 e ss. Le merci restano di proprietà della Slamp SpA fino al pagamento integrale della fattura (art. 1523-1526 del C.C.).
MODIFICHE. Slamp SpA si riserva il diritto di modificare senza preavviso le specifiche di qualsiasi prodotto.
MANUTENZIONE. Le superfici delle lampade devono essere pulite con un panno soffice inumidito con acqua, con un panno antistatico o con uno spray ad aria compressa. Evitare tassativamente acetone, alcool, trielina ammoniaca o altri prodotti che contengono questi elementi, anche in minima quantità. Evitare inoltre detergenti in polvere, paste abrasive e strumenti di pulizia con superficie ruvida quali pagliette o spugne ruvide. Le parti in metallo – sia naturali che verniciate – possono essere pulite con un panno inumidito.
GARANZIA. Sui prodotti venduti, in deroga alla garanzia minima prevista dalla legislazione vigente, Slamp SpA applica una garanzia di 24 mesi. Slamp S.p.A. non sarà responsabile per eventuali danni o difetti derivanti da uso improprio, negligenza, incidenti, modifiche non autorizzate o riparazioni non autorizzate, manutenzione o installazione errata, normale usura.
UTILIZZO DEL MARCHIO E DEI LOGHI SLAMP. Tutte le foto e il logo, messi a vostra disposizione, possono essere utilizzati solo per la presentazione dei prodotti di Slamp SpA nei locali indicati ed autorizzati. Vi chiediamo di seguire tutte le istruzioni di utilizzo del nostro logo o marchio, che non potranno mai essere modificati e dei quali in nessun modo potrete autonomamente disporre ad alcun titolo o ragione.
PROTEZIONE DEI DATI PERSONALI. La Società tratta i dati personali dell’acquirente per le finalità e con le modalità specificate nella Informativa sulla privacy presente sul sito Web al link
FORO COMPETENTE E LEGISLAZIONE. A questi accordi si applica esclusivamente la legislazione Italiana e per ogni controversia tra le parti, di qualsiasi natura, il foro esclusivamente competente, con esclusione di ogni altro, deve intendersi per patto espresso tra le parti, quello del Tribunale di Velletri.
The current price list replaces any otherpreexisting price list and sales conditions.
PRICING.The list’s pricing is in US dollars. ($). Slamp S.p.A reserves the right to modify prices with appropriate notice, which will be communicated through official channels.
ORDER ACCEPTANCE.All orders are subject to the prevailing sales terms and conditions. Slamp S.p.A. reserves the right to accept or reject any order at its sole discretion. An order is not considered binding until formally accepted by Slamp S.p.A.
SHIPPING TERMS. Unless otherwise specified, shipments are made under Incoterms DDP (Delivery Duty Paid). However, the collections Aria Infinita, Le Grand Cérémonie, and La Traviata are shipped under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW).
SHIPPING. Shipping: as per commercial agreements. The goods, even if shipped DDP, travel at the client’s risk, and the goods shall be considered delivered at the time they are entrusted to the carrier and Slamp S.p.A. will not be liable for any cause of delay non directly attributable to it. It Upon delivery, the client is required to carefully inspect their quantity of the goods and condition of the packaging Any anomalies (difference between the number of packages received and the number of packages mentioned in the delivery note, breakage, crushing, and/or other damages to packaging) must be indicated to the carrier as accepted with reservation on the delivery note and communicated to Slamp S.p.A. (indicating the delivery note number) no later than 8 days following the delivery.
GOODS AVAILIBILITY & PICKUP. Unless otherwise agreed, all deliveries are made under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW). We kindly ask that ready orders be picked up within 15 days of receiving the goods readiness notification.
If pickup is delayed beyond this period, a storage fee of 0.5% of the net order value per day will apply, starting from the 16th day after notification. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring timely pickups.
CLAIMS. Damages or defects may be reported utilizing the post-sales assistance form at the following link and must be reported within 8 days since the delivery.
ON-LINE SALES. Sale of Slamp S.p.a.’s products online, regardless of the source, must be previously authorised by Slamp S.p.A. through specific resale agreements and permission to use the brand name and official images. In the lack of said permission, it is prohibited to sell Slamp products on-line.
RETURNS. Slamp does not accept returns without admitting written consent by Slamp’s sales dept. In any case, returns are not accepted for defects or damage to the goods due to improper use and/or use unrelated to their function and destination.
TOLERANCE. Colours and materials pictured in the catalogue and website are approximate. Confirming an order the client accepts possible differences between videos/photographies and real products. The products’ technical sheets are the only objective data in relation to the products’ characteristics.
PAYMENT. Payment must be made according to the terms stated in the invoice. The failure to pay, in full or in part, an invoice or to meet payment deadlines authorizes Slamp to suspend production and/or shipments, to cancel any contract/agreement and to seek damages incurred. Delay in payments will also give rise to the loss of benefit of the time limit in case of deferred payments and the charging of interest in accordance with EC Directive 2000/35 and Italian Legislative Decree 231/2002 et seq. The goods remain the property of Slamp SpA until the invoice is paid in full (art. 1523-1526 of the Italian Civil Code).
MODIFICATION. SLAMP S.p.A. retains the right to modify details concerning all products without warning or notice.
MAINTENANCE. Slamp’s unique materials require specific maintenance; the company is not responsible for damage due to disregard of the following: Lamp surfaces must be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth or using compressed air. Never use acetone, alcohol, ammonia, or other products with the same chemical properties, even in small doses. Also avoid powdered soap, abrasive pastes and rough-surface cleaning aids, including steel wool, and scouring pads and sponges. The metal parts – both natural and painted – can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
WARRANTY. Slamp applies a warranty of 24 months to every product sold regardless of the minimal time period established by current legislation. Slamp wil be not liable for any damage or defects resulting from misuse, neglect, accident, unauthorized modification or unauthorized repair, incorrect maintenance or installation, normal wear and tear.
USE OF THE SLAMP BRAND AND LOGO. All provided images and the logo can only be used when presenting Slamp S.p.A. products in authorised locations. Please consult and follow our guidelines for using the Brand and logo, that can never be modified and which the client will in no way be able to independently dispose of for any reason or title.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. Slamp S.p.A. processes personal data as stated in the Privacy Information section found at the following link:
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. Italian legislation applies exclusively to any sale made of the goods and for any dispute between the parties shall be submitted to exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Velletri.
The current price list replaces any otherpreexisting price list and sales conditions.
PRICING.The list’s pricing is in EUR (€). Slamp S.p.A reserves the right to modify prices with appropriate notice, which will be communicated through official channels.
ORDER ACCEPTANCE.All orders are subject to the prevailing sales terms and conditions. Slamp S.p.A. reserves the right to accept or reject any order at its sole discretion. An order is not considered binding until formally accepted by Slamp S.p.A.
SHIPPING TERMS. Unless otherwise specified, shipments are made under Incoterms DAP (Delivery At Place ). However, the collections Aria Infinita, Le Grand Cérémonie, and La Traviata are shipped under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW).
SHIPPING. Shipping: as per commercial agreements. The goods, even if shipped DAP, travel at the client’s risk, and the goods shall be considered delivered at the time they are entrusted to the carrier and Slamp S.p.A. will not be liable for any cause of delay non directly attributable to it. It Upon delivery, the client is required to carefully inspect their quantity of the goods and condition of the packaging Any anomalies (difference between the number of packages received and the number of packages mentioned in the delivery note, breakage, crushing, and/or other damages to packaging) must be indicated to the carrier as accepted with reservation on the delivery note and communicated to Slamp S.p.A. (indicating the delivery note number) no later than 8 days following the delivery.
GOODS AVAILIBILITY & PICKUP. Unless otherwise agreed, all deliveries are made under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW). We kindly ask that ready orders be picked up within 15 days of receiving the goods readiness notification.
If pickup is delayed beyond this period, a storage fee of 0.5% of the net order value per day will apply, starting from the 16th day after notification. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring timely pickups.
CLAIMS. Damages or defects may be reported utilizing the post-sales assistance form at the following link and must be reported within 8 days since the delivery.
ON-LINE SALES. Sale of Slamp S.p.a.’s products online, regardless of the source, must be previously authorised by Slamp S.p.A. through specific resale agreements and permission to use the brand name and official images. In the lack of said permission, it is prohibited to sell Slamp products on-line.
RETURNS. Slamp does not accept returns without admitting written consent by Slamp’s sales dept. In any case, returns are not accepted for defects or damage to the goods due to improper use and/or use unrelated to their function and destination.
TOLERANCE. Colours and materials pictured in the catalogue and website are approximate. Confirming an order the client accepts possible differences between videos/photographies and real products. The products’ technical sheets are the only objective data in relation to the products’ characteristics.
PAYMENT. Payment must be made according to the terms stated in the invoice. The failure to pay, in full or in part, an invoice or to meet payment deadlines authorizes Slamp to suspend production and/or shipments, to cancel any contract/agreement and to seek damages incurred. Delay in payments will also give rise to the loss of benefit of the time limit in case of deferred payments and the charging of interest in accordance with EC Directive 2000/35 and Italian Legislative Decree 231/2002 et seq. The goods remain the property of Slamp SpA until the invoice is paid in full (art. 1523-1526 of the Italian Civil Code).
MODIFICATION. SLAMP S.p.A. retains the right to modify details concerning all products without warning or notice.
MAINTENANCE. Slamp’s unique materials require specific maintenance; the company is not responsible for damage due to disregard of the following: Lamp surfaces must be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth or using compressed air. Never use acetone, alcohol, ammonia, or other products with the same chemical properties, even in small doses. Also avoid powdered soap, abrasive pastes and rough-surface cleaning aids, including steel wool, and scouring pads and sponges. The metal parts – both natural and painted – can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
WARRANTY. Slamp applies a warranty of 24 months to every product sold regardless of the minimal time period established by current legislation. Slamp wil be not liable for any damage or defects resulting from misuse, neglect, accident, unauthorized modification or unauthorized repair, incorrect maintenance or installation, normal wear and tear.
USE OF THE SLAMP BRAND AND LOGO. All provided images and the logo can only be used when presenting Slamp S.p.A. products in authorised locations. Please consult and follow our guidelines for using the Brand and logo, that can never be modified and which the client will in no way be able to independently dispose of for any reason or title.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. Slamp S.p.A. processes personal data as stated in the Privacy Information section found at the following link:
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. Italian legislation applies exclusively to any sale made of the goods and for any dispute between the parties shall be submitted to exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Velletri.
The current price list replaces any otherpreexisting price list and sales conditions.
PRICING.The list’s pricing is in GBP (£). Slamp S.p.A reserves the right to modify prices
with appropriate notice, which will be communicated through official channels.
ORDER ACCEPTANCE.All orders are subject to the prevailing sales terms and conditions. Slamp S.p.A. reserves the right to accept or reject any order at its sole discretion. An order is not considered binding until formally accepted by Slamp S.p.A.
SHIPPING TERMS. Unless otherwise specified, shipments are made under Incoterms DAP (Delivery At Place However, Aria Infinita, Le Grand Cérémonie, and La Traviata may be subject to additional transport costs, which will be communicated as needed.
SHIPPING. Shipping: as per commercial agreements. The goods, even if shipped DAP, travel at the client’s risk, and the goods shall be considered delivered at the time they are entrusted to the carrier and Slamp S.p.A. will not be liable for any cause of delay non directly attributable to it. It Upon delivery, the client is required to carefully inspect their quantity of the goods and condition of the packaging Any anomalies (difference between the number of packages received and the number of packages mentioned in the delivery note, breakage, crushing, and/or other damages to packaging) must be indicated to the carrier as accepted with reservation on the delivery note and communicated to Slamp S.p.A. (indicating the delivery note number) no later than 8 days following the delivery.
GOODS AVAILIBILITY & PICKUP. Unless otherwise agreed, all deliveries are made under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW). We kindly ask that ready orders be picked up within 15 days of receiving the goods readiness notification.
If pickup is delayed beyond this period, a storage fee of 0.5% of the net order value per day will apply, starting from the 16th day after notification. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring timely pickups.
CLAIMS. Damages or defects may be reported utilizing the post-sales assistance form at the following link and must be reported within 8 days since the delivery.
ON-LINE SALES. Sale of Slamp S.p.a.’s products online, regardless of the source, must be previously authorised by Slamp S.p.A. through specific resale agreements and permission to use the brand name and official images. In the lack of said permission, it is prohibited to sell Slamp products on-line.
RETURNS. Slamp does not accept returns without admitting written consent by Slamp’s sales dept. In any case, returns are not accepted for defects or damage to the goods due to improper use and/or use unrelated to their function and destination.
TOLERANCE. Colours and materials pictured in the catalogue and website are approximate. Confirming an order the client accepts possible differences between videos/photographies and real products. The products’ technical sheets are the only objective data in relation to the products’ characteristics.
PAYMENT. Payment must be made according to the terms stated in the invoice. The failure to pay, in full or in part, an invoice or to meet payment deadlines authorizes Slamp to suspend production and/or shipments, to cancel any contract/agreement and to seek damages incurred. Delay in payments will also give rise to the loss of benefit of the time limit in case of deferred payments and the charging of interest in accordance with EC Directive 2000/35 and Italian Legislative Decree 231/2002 et seq. The goods remain the property of Slamp SpA until the invoice is paid in full (art. 1523-1526 of the Italian Civil Code).
MODIFICATION. SLAMP S.p.A. retains the right to modify details concerning all products without warning or notice.
MAINTENANCE. Slamp’s unique materials require specific maintenance; the company is not responsible for damage due to disregard of the following: Lamp surfaces must be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth or using compressed air. Never use acetone, alcohol, ammonia, or other products with the same chemical properties, even in small doses. Also avoid powdered soap, abrasive pastes and rough-surface cleaning aids, including steel wool, and scouring pads and sponges. The metal parts – both natural and painted – can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
WARRANTY. Slamp applies a warranty of 24 months to every product sold regardless of the minimal time period established by current legislation. Slamp wil be not liable for any damage or defects resulting from misuse, neglect, accident, unauthorized modification or unauthorized repair, incorrect maintenance or installation, normal wear and tear.
USE OF THE SLAMP BRAND AND LOGO. All provided images and the logo can only be used when presenting Slamp S.p.A. products in authorised locations. Please consult and follow our guidelines for using the Brand and logo, that can never be modified and which the client will in no way be able to independently dispose of for any reason or title.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. Slamp S.p.A. processes personal data as stated in the Privacy Information section found at the following link:
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. Italian legislation applies exclusively to any sale made of the goods and for any dispute between the parties shall be submitted to exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Velletri.