PREISE. Die im Katalog aufgeführten Preise sind in Euro (€) angegeben. Slamp S.p.A behält sich das Recht vor, die Preise mit einer angemessenen Vorankündigung zu ändern, die über die offiziellen Kanäle bekannt gegeben wird.
ANNAHME. Alle Aufträge werden zu den aktuellen bestehenden allgemeinen Verkaufsbedingungen angenommen. Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass SLAMP SpA nicht verpflichtet ist, erhaltene Bestellungen anzunehmen.
VERSANDBEDINGUNGEN. Die in der Auftragsbestätigung angegebenen Lieferfristen sind nur unverbindliche Richtwerte. Im Falle einer Verspätung des Versands gegenüber der angegebenen Frist wird keine Haftung oder Entschädigung fällig.
LIEFERUNG. Rückgabe: gemäß allgemeinen Geschäftsvereinbarungen.Die Waren werden, selbst wenn sie ab dem Empfänger versandt werden, auf Risiko und Gefahr des Kunden transportiert. Dies bedeutet, dass sie zum Zeitpunkt der Übergabe an den Spediteur geliefert wurden, und Slamp SpA haftet nicht für Verzögerungen, die nicht direkt darauf zurückzuführen sind. Es liegt in der Verantwortung des Kunden, die Menge und den Zustand der Verpackung bei Lieferung sorgfältig zu überprüfen: Abweichungen (Differenz zwischen der Anzahl der erhaltenen Pakete und der auf dem Lieferschein angegebenen Anzahl von Paketen, Bruch, Knicke oder andere Beschädigungen an der Verpackung) sind dem Spediteur mit Vorbehalt auf dem Lieferschein anzugeben und spätestens 8 Tage nach Erhalt der Ware der SLAMP SpA mitzuteilen unter Angabe der Lieferscheinnummer.
LIEFERBEDINGUNGEN: ExWorks - Ab Werk. Die fertige Bestellung muss innerhalb von 15 Tagen nach Bekanntgabe der Fertigstellung der Ware abgeholt werden. Bei Nichtabholung wird ab dem sechzehnten Tag.
Tag eine tägliche Gebühr von 0,5 % des Auftragswerts erhoben.
BESCHWERDEN. Reklamationen oder Mängel müssen innerhalb von 8 Tagen, ab Erhalt der Ware, über das Formular des Kundenservice, das sich auf der Homepage befindet, gemeldet werden.
ONLINE-VERKÄUFE. Der Online-Verkauf von Produkten - über jedes heute oder morgen denkbare System - muss von Slamp SpA im Voraus genehmigt werden, indem spezifische Wiederverkaufsvereinbarungen und das Recht zur Nutzung von Marken und offiziellen Bildern unterzeichnet werden. Wenn nicht ausdrücklich von Slamp SpA genehmigt, ist der Online-Verkauf der Produkte untersagt.
RÜCKGABEN. Rücksendungen von Waren werden nur schriftlich autorisiert. In keinem Fall werden Rücksendungen für Mängel oder Schäden an Produkten akzeptiert, die durch unsachgemäße Nutzung und/oder Nutzung außerhalb ihrer Funktion und Bestimmung verursacht wurden.
TOLERANZ. Die auf dem Fotokatalog und der Website sichtbaren Farben und Größen sind nur Richtwerte. Mit der Bestätigung der Bestellung akzeptiert der Kunde eventuelle Unterschiede zwischen Bild und erhaltenem Produkt. Für die Produkte gelten ausschließlich die technischen Datenblätter.
ZAHLUNGEN. Zahlungen müssen ausschließlich gemäß den auf der Rechnung angegebenen Modalitäten erfolgen. Das verspätete oder unvollständige Bezahlen einer einzigen Rechnung oder Fälligkeit berechtigt uns, die laufenden Lieferungen auszusetzen oder die Verträge zu stornieren und Schadensersatz für erlittene Schäden geltend zu machen. Bei Zahlungsverzug besteht außerdem die Möglichkeit des Verlusts des Zahlungsziels bei gestaffelter Zahlung und die Berechnung von Zinsen gemäß der Richtlinie CE 2000/35 und dem Gesetzesdekret 231/2002 und folgende. Die Waren bleiben bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung der Rechnung im Eigentum von Slamp SpA (Art. 1523-1526 des BGB).
ÄNDERUNGEN. Slamp SpA behält sich das Recht vor, die Spezifikationen jedes Produkts ohne vorherige Ankündigung zu ändern.
WARTUNG. Die Oberflächen der Lampen sollten mit einem weichen Tuch, das mit Wasser, einem antistatischen Tuch oder Druckluftspray angefeuchtet ist, gereinigt werden. Vermeiden Sie unbedingt Aceton, Alkohol, Trielina Ammoniak oder andere Produkte, die diese Elemente enthalten, auch in geringen Mengen. Vermeiden Sie auch Pulverreiniger, abrasive Pasten und Reinigungswerkzeuge mit rauer Oberfläche wie Scheuerschwämme oder raue Schwämme. Metallteile - sowohl naturbelassen als auch lackiert - können mit einem feuchten Tuch gereinigt werden.
GARANTIE. Für verkaufte Produkte gewährt Slamp SpA abweichend von der gesetzlichen Mindestgarantie eine Garantie von 24 Monaten. Slamp SpA haftet nicht für Schäden oder Mängel, die durch unsachgemäße Verwendung, Fahrlässigkeit, Unfälle, unbefugte Änderungen oder Reparaturen, falsche Wartung oder falsche Installation, normale Abnutzung entstehen.
VERWENDUNG DER SLAMP-MARKE UND DER LOGOS. Alle Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Fotos und das Logo dürfen nur zur Präsentation der Produkte von Slamp SpA in den angegebenen und autorisierten Räumen verwendet werden. Bitte folgen Sie allen Anweisungen zur Verwendung unseres Logos oder Marken, die niemals geändert werden dürfen und von denen Sie in keiner Weise eigenständig Gebrauch machen können.
SCHUTZ PERSÖNLICHER DATEN. Das Unternehmen verarbeitet die personenbezogenen Daten des Käufers gemäß den in der Datenschutzerklärung auf der Website unter angegebenen Zwecken und Modalitäten.
GERICHTSSTAND UND GESETZGEBUNG. Diese Vereinbarungen unterliegen ausschließlich dem italienischen Recht, und für alle Streitigkeiten zwischen den Parteien jeglicher Art ist das ausschließlich zuständige Gericht, unter Ausschluss aller anderen, das Gericht von Velletri.
The current price list replaces any otherpreexisting price list and sales conditions.
PRICING.The list’s pricing is in US dollars. ($). Slamp S.p.A reserves the right to modify prices with appropriate notice, which will be communicated through official channels.
ORDER ACCEPTANCE.All orders are subject to the prevailing sales terms and conditions. Slamp S.p.A. reserves the right to accept or reject any order at its sole discretion. An order is not considered binding until formally accepted by Slamp S.p.A.
SHIPPING TERMS. Unless otherwise specified, shipments are made under Incoterms DDP (Delivery Duty Paid). However, the collections Aria Infinita, Le Grand Cérémonie, and La Traviata are shipped under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW).
SHIPPING. Shipping: as per commercial agreements. The goods, even if shipped DDP, travel at the client’s risk, and the goods shall be considered delivered at the time they are entrusted to the carrier and Slamp S.p.A. will not be liable for any cause of delay non directly attributable to it. It Upon delivery, the client is required to carefully inspect their quantity of the goods and condition of the packaging Any anomalies (difference between the number of packages received and the number of packages mentioned in the delivery note, breakage, crushing, and/or other damages to packaging) must be indicated to the carrier as accepted with reservation on the delivery note and communicated to Slamp S.p.A. (indicating the delivery note number) no later than 8 days following the delivery.
GOODS AVAILIBILITY & PICKUP. Unless otherwise agreed, all deliveries are made under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW). We kindly ask that ready orders be picked up within 15 days of receiving the goods readiness notification.
If pickup is delayed beyond this period, a storage fee of 0.5% of the net order value per day will apply, starting from the 16th day after notification. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring timely pickups.
CLAIMS. Damages or defects may be reported utilizing the post-sales assistance form at the following link and must be reported within 8 days since the delivery.
ON-LINE SALES. Sale of Slamp S.p.a.’s products online, regardless of the source, must be previously authorised by Slamp S.p.A. through specific resale agreements and permission to use the brand name and official images. In the lack of said permission, it is prohibited to sell Slamp products on-line.
RETURNS. Slamp does not accept returns without admitting written consent by Slamp’s sales dept. In any case, returns are not accepted for defects or damage to the goods due to improper use and/or use unrelated to their function and destination.
TOLERANCE. Colours and materials pictured in the catalogue and website are approximate. Confirming an order the client accepts possible differences between videos/photographies and real products. The products’ technical sheets are the only objective data in relation to the products’ characteristics.
PAYMENT. Payment must be made according to the terms stated in the invoice. The failure to pay, in full or in part, an invoice or to meet payment deadlines authorizes Slamp to suspend production and/or shipments, to cancel any contract/agreement and to seek damages incurred. Delay in payments will also give rise to the loss of benefit of the time limit in case of deferred payments and the charging of interest in accordance with EC Directive 2000/35 and Italian Legislative Decree 231/2002 et seq. The goods remain the property of Slamp SpA until the invoice is paid in full (art. 1523-1526 of the Italian Civil Code).
MODIFICATION. SLAMP S.p.A. retains the right to modify details concerning all products without warning or notice.
MAINTENANCE. Slamp’s unique materials require specific maintenance; the company is not responsible for damage due to disregard of the following: Lamp surfaces must be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth or using compressed air. Never use acetone, alcohol, ammonia, or other products with the same chemical properties, even in small doses. Also avoid powdered soap, abrasive pastes and rough-surface cleaning aids, including steel wool, and scouring pads and sponges. The metal parts – both natural and painted – can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
WARRANTY. Slamp applies a warranty of 24 months to every product sold regardless of the minimal time period established by current legislation. Slamp wil be not liable for any damage or defects resulting from misuse, neglect, accident, unauthorized modification or unauthorized repair, incorrect maintenance or installation, normal wear and tear.
USE OF THE SLAMP BRAND AND LOGO. All provided images and the logo can only be used when presenting Slamp S.p.A. products in authorised locations. Please consult and follow our guidelines for using the Brand and logo, that can never be modified and which the client will in no way be able to independently dispose of for any reason or title.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. Slamp S.p.A. processes personal data as stated in the Privacy Information section found at the following link:
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. Italian legislation applies exclusively to any sale made of the goods and for any dispute between the parties shall be submitted to exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Velletri.
The current price list replaces any otherpreexisting price list and sales conditions.
PRICING.The list’s pricing is in EUR (€). Slamp S.p.A reserves the right to modify prices with appropriate notice, which will be communicated through official channels.
ORDER ACCEPTANCE.All orders are subject to the prevailing sales terms and conditions. Slamp S.p.A. reserves the right to accept or reject any order at its sole discretion. An order is not considered binding until formally accepted by Slamp S.p.A.
SHIPPING TERMS. Unless otherwise specified, shipments are made under Incoterms DAP (Delivery At Place ). However, the collections Aria Infinita, Le Grand Cérémonie, and La Traviata are shipped under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW).
SHIPPING. Shipping: as per commercial agreements. The goods, even if shipped DAP, travel at the client’s risk, and the goods shall be considered delivered at the time they are entrusted to the carrier and Slamp S.p.A. will not be liable for any cause of delay non directly attributable to it. It Upon delivery, the client is required to carefully inspect their quantity of the goods and condition of the packaging Any anomalies (difference between the number of packages received and the number of packages mentioned in the delivery note, breakage, crushing, and/or other damages to packaging) must be indicated to the carrier as accepted with reservation on the delivery note and communicated to Slamp S.p.A. (indicating the delivery note number) no later than 8 days following the delivery.
GOODS AVAILIBILITY & PICKUP. Unless otherwise agreed, all deliveries are made under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW). We kindly ask that ready orders be picked up within 15 days of receiving the goods readiness notification.
If pickup is delayed beyond this period, a storage fee of 0.5% of the net order value per day will apply, starting from the 16th day after notification. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring timely pickups.
CLAIMS. Damages or defects may be reported utilizing the post-sales assistance form at the following link and must be reported within 8 days since the delivery.
ON-LINE SALES. Sale of Slamp S.p.a.’s products online, regardless of the source, must be previously authorised by Slamp S.p.A. through specific resale agreements and permission to use the brand name and official images. In the lack of said permission, it is prohibited to sell Slamp products on-line.
RETURNS. Slamp does not accept returns without admitting written consent by Slamp’s sales dept. In any case, returns are not accepted for defects or damage to the goods due to improper use and/or use unrelated to their function and destination.
TOLERANCE. Colours and materials pictured in the catalogue and website are approximate. Confirming an order the client accepts possible differences between videos/photographies and real products. The products’ technical sheets are the only objective data in relation to the products’ characteristics.
PAYMENT. Payment must be made according to the terms stated in the invoice. The failure to pay, in full or in part, an invoice or to meet payment deadlines authorizes Slamp to suspend production and/or shipments, to cancel any contract/agreement and to seek damages incurred. Delay in payments will also give rise to the loss of benefit of the time limit in case of deferred payments and the charging of interest in accordance with EC Directive 2000/35 and Italian Legislative Decree 231/2002 et seq. The goods remain the property of Slamp SpA until the invoice is paid in full (art. 1523-1526 of the Italian Civil Code).
MODIFICATION. SLAMP S.p.A. retains the right to modify details concerning all products without warning or notice.
MAINTENANCE. Slamp’s unique materials require specific maintenance; the company is not responsible for damage due to disregard of the following: Lamp surfaces must be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth or using compressed air. Never use acetone, alcohol, ammonia, or other products with the same chemical properties, even in small doses. Also avoid powdered soap, abrasive pastes and rough-surface cleaning aids, including steel wool, and scouring pads and sponges. The metal parts – both natural and painted – can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
WARRANTY. Slamp applies a warranty of 24 months to every product sold regardless of the minimal time period established by current legislation. Slamp wil be not liable for any damage or defects resulting from misuse, neglect, accident, unauthorized modification or unauthorized repair, incorrect maintenance or installation, normal wear and tear.
USE OF THE SLAMP BRAND AND LOGO. All provided images and the logo can only be used when presenting Slamp S.p.A. products in authorised locations. Please consult and follow our guidelines for using the Brand and logo, that can never be modified and which the client will in no way be able to independently dispose of for any reason or title.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. Slamp S.p.A. processes personal data as stated in the Privacy Information section found at the following link:
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. Italian legislation applies exclusively to any sale made of the goods and for any dispute between the parties shall be submitted to exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Velletri.
The current price list replaces any otherpreexisting price list and sales conditions.
PRICING.The list’s pricing is in GBP (£). Slamp S.p.A reserves the right to modify prices
with appropriate notice, which will be communicated through official channels.
ORDER ACCEPTANCE.All orders are subject to the prevailing sales terms and conditions. Slamp S.p.A. reserves the right to accept or reject any order at its sole discretion. An order is not considered binding until formally accepted by Slamp S.p.A.
SHIPPING TERMS. Unless otherwise specified, shipments are made under Incoterms DAP (Delivery At Place However, Aria Infinita, Le Grand Cérémonie, and La Traviata may be subject to additional transport costs, which will be communicated as needed.
SHIPPING. Shipping: as per commercial agreements. The goods, even if shipped DAP, travel at the client’s risk, and the goods shall be considered delivered at the time they are entrusted to the carrier and Slamp S.p.A. will not be liable for any cause of delay non directly attributable to it. It Upon delivery, the client is required to carefully inspect their quantity of the goods and condition of the packaging Any anomalies (difference between the number of packages received and the number of packages mentioned in the delivery note, breakage, crushing, and/or other damages to packaging) must be indicated to the carrier as accepted with reservation on the delivery note and communicated to Slamp S.p.A. (indicating the delivery note number) no later than 8 days following the delivery.
GOODS AVAILIBILITY & PICKUP. Unless otherwise agreed, all deliveries are made under Incoterms ExWorks (EXW). We kindly ask that ready orders be picked up within 15 days of receiving the goods readiness notification.
If pickup is delayed beyond this period, a storage fee of 0.5% of the net order value per day will apply, starting from the 16th day after notification. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring timely pickups.
CLAIMS. Damages or defects may be reported utilizing the post-sales assistance form at the following link and must be reported within 8 days since the delivery.
ON-LINE SALES. Sale of Slamp S.p.a.’s products online, regardless of the source, must be previously authorised by Slamp S.p.A. through specific resale agreements and permission to use the brand name and official images. In the lack of said permission, it is prohibited to sell Slamp products on-line.
RETURNS. Slamp does not accept returns without admitting written consent by Slamp’s sales dept. In any case, returns are not accepted for defects or damage to the goods due to improper use and/or use unrelated to their function and destination.
TOLERANCE. Colours and materials pictured in the catalogue and website are approximate. Confirming an order the client accepts possible differences between videos/photographies and real products. The products’ technical sheets are the only objective data in relation to the products’ characteristics.
PAYMENT. Payment must be made according to the terms stated in the invoice. The failure to pay, in full or in part, an invoice or to meet payment deadlines authorizes Slamp to suspend production and/or shipments, to cancel any contract/agreement and to seek damages incurred. Delay in payments will also give rise to the loss of benefit of the time limit in case of deferred payments and the charging of interest in accordance with EC Directive 2000/35 and Italian Legislative Decree 231/2002 et seq. The goods remain the property of Slamp SpA until the invoice is paid in full (art. 1523-1526 of the Italian Civil Code).
MODIFICATION. SLAMP S.p.A. retains the right to modify details concerning all products without warning or notice.
MAINTENANCE. Slamp’s unique materials require specific maintenance; the company is not responsible for damage due to disregard of the following: Lamp surfaces must be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth or using compressed air. Never use acetone, alcohol, ammonia, or other products with the same chemical properties, even in small doses. Also avoid powdered soap, abrasive pastes and rough-surface cleaning aids, including steel wool, and scouring pads and sponges. The metal parts – both natural and painted – can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
WARRANTY. Slamp applies a warranty of 24 months to every product sold regardless of the minimal time period established by current legislation. Slamp wil be not liable for any damage or defects resulting from misuse, neglect, accident, unauthorized modification or unauthorized repair, incorrect maintenance or installation, normal wear and tear.
USE OF THE SLAMP BRAND AND LOGO. All provided images and the logo can only be used when presenting Slamp S.p.A. products in authorised locations. Please consult and follow our guidelines for using the Brand and logo, that can never be modified and which the client will in no way be able to independently dispose of for any reason or title.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION. Slamp S.p.A. processes personal data as stated in the Privacy Information section found at the following link:
APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION. Italian legislation applies exclusively to any sale made of the goods and for any dispute between the parties shall be submitted to exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Velletri.